Aunty Joy said this would be fun
Because she did it in her therapy
Class, and she liked it a lot.
Don't get me wrong, I mean I'm trying and
Everything, but I'm not so sure I can do it...
Fuck... (I wrote that for her! :P)
Goodness, I'm dead if Mom reads this...
Ha ha, but Aunty will like it!
I hope...
Just kidding, I know she'll laugh because
Katy is Krazy, right?
Laugh out loud, except not, because I'm in Spanish and I'm sure
My teacher wouldn't appreciate the interruption.
Not many teachers like it when you laugh
Openly in their class. Of course, in
Photography, Mrs. Durso is
Quite nice, so I don't think she'd mind much...
Really, you know, I don't think we should have double periods. They're
Stupid. All we do is sit and
Talk for an hour and a half. And it makes me want to slide
Under the desk
Very slowly...and fall asleep. But
When the bell rings, I...dammit...Where does '
X' fit in this?
X... I run out if the room and
Yell happy things in my head as I make my way to history to talk about
Zoot suits and racial equality and the atomic bomb.