Thursday, January 17, 2008

Confessions of a Freshman "Midtermer"

Midterm Time is killing me!! Or at least it WAS. Haha. Sunday and Monday I killed myself studying until I couldn't speak coherent english. (Literally... it was kinda pathetic) and then I didn't even study yesterday and I do wicked well on them today!!! I'm gonna study for my biology exam tonight, but the best way to prepare for midterms is to NOT freak out.

Especially for me, since when I freak out, I shut down and can't do ANYTHING, nevermind geometry or writing!!

PS: I'll have a sequel to this post called "Confessions of a Freshman Midterm Veteran" because currently, I am in the dead (excuse my pun) middle of the war against failurizing my freshman year. If I'm missing body parts any time in the near future, I had to auction them off to buy a better grade on whichever one of these I don't do well on!!!!

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