Sunday, March 23, 2008


This post has nothing to do with the real meaning of Easter, or the sacrifice that it represents, or how grateful I really am for it (because I am), and it's especially not about bunnies. The meaning of Easter just isn't what I want to write about today.

I'm not ungrateful. I'm not ignorant to how much it really means. It's just not on my mind right now. It was earlier, but now I'm preoccupied with something else...

Guys, guys, guys, dating, boys, and guys. I'm not obsessed, and I'm only feeling a little desperate right now.. Am I really that unappealing that no one will ask me out?? I know there's no way in the world that I look taken!! I'm totally single, but hating it.

Maybe it's just this week that's making me feel like this, but I don't know. I feel like all these guys are only ever going to be my friends. Nothing more.

Maybe I had a chance before and I screwed it up, maybe I'm just not that kind of girl.

Wallpaper. Stuck in the "friend-zone." Goofy Kate, one of the guys...

Is there any hope for me???

the easter dress with my rebel touches!!


Friday, March 14, 2008


Last week I spent three out of five school days in bed asleep (which so totally messed up my sense of time, especially when i slept for twenty-four hours straight. i woke up thinking it was wednesday morning when it was really thursday afternoon) and then on the days I did go in, my teachers yelled at me and now i have four tests and quizzes to make up...

Someone hates me, I'm positive.

Soooo... I finally got mostly caught up as of today, and i only have two quizzes and a test to make up next week, so things are starting to look up.

Lindsay wants me to go hang out with her and Sam after work tomorrow, so I had to get all of my homework done today and I made a discovery... If I actually try to get it done I can get six hours of homework done in thirty minutes! Shhh... better keep this a secret from my parents because if they find out, I no longer have an excuse for why it's not done.

Actually, you know, I think today was just a one time thing. I was in the right mood if there can be one for doing homework... *shudder*

So anyway, Lindsay wants me to go hang out with her and Sam after work. Stupid work, I have to get up at seven, be there at 8:30 in the morning (practically DAWN) and then deal with the lunch rush of stupid mall people wanting to buy some "Chicken McNuggets" which I hate so much!! It's like "um, yeah... this is Chick-fil-a, not McDonalds. we have nuggets made of CHICKEN, like, the EDIBLE part." but anyway, so they're picking me up right after work and we're going out to eat... *no words...*
New guy has entered my radar! Semi-radar anyway. Being the new girl and it's almost all the way through the year kinda puts me at the bottom of the "hot list". Lol.

Anyway, about new guy. He's blonde, blue eyes, my grade (that's a first huh???), loves coffee(french vanilla too!! <3), style="font-style: italic;">not. He's in three of my classes and sits next to me in two of them.

And the best part....

WE SWAPPED COFFEE'S IN FIRST PERIOD THIS MORNING!!! his was weak french vanilla and mine was homemade (ie, it sucked...) and KILLER STRONG, but just how I like it! (He made the most hilarious face when he drank it!! Haha, but that's what he gets for ignoring my warning.)