Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Blues

what's the worst possible thing that can happen to a person on valentine's day?

being the only single person in your entire grade.

okay, so maybe it's not the worst possible thing. i mean, you could get hit by a bus or run over by a couple who were paying too much attention to each other and not enough attention to the lonely person in the crosswalk in front of them. or you could find out that your boyfriend was dumping you for an airhead with big.... eyes. or maybe you could even find out that you had a deadly disease that could be passed through physical contact, and you'd never be able to hug the person you love ever again... but those are all extremely unlikely.....

being the only single person in your very wide group of friends is not.

and what's even more depressing is when the only valentine's day gift you get is from your parents. a chocolate rose.

boy did i need chocolate....

so to me, at this point in my life, valentine's day is depressing.

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