Monday, May 14, 2007

The Dad With The Healing Touch

My dad has got to be the coolest guy in the world...

My sister Abby's mp3player was broken and it was playing like, skipping kind of, but it was more like the music was shaking. I told her how Dad had fixed mine the other day because it had been doing the exact same thing. I tried to show him what it was doing, but when he touched it to put the ear bud in his ear, the shaking stopped.

So I told Abby to give it to him. She handed it to him and all he did was hold it for a few seconds and the thing was fixed!!! When he gave it back to her, it stopped shaking. The song she had on there that never played right, even when all the other songs played right fixed itself and sounded perfect.

I love my dad. He's got these neat little, I don't know, tricks that he does. It's almost like he's got the healing touch or something, because when he touches something, anything, even a person, whatever is wrong gets a little better or sometimes goes away completely. It's unbelievably cool.

Keep talking with God,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in the book Peace Like a River there's a person like that