Monday, May 14, 2007


sigh... nothing much going on here to post about.

Yesterday there was a really cool thunderstorm. It was big too. I fell in love with the way it snaked across the sky, sending little fingers of electricity in every direction, like it was reaching for something just out of its grasp. Lightning is like a person. Thunder is its voice. Every now and again, it just can't keep silent, and starts talking and moving like an energetic little child.

When I was younger it used to sing me to sleep; lulling my reluctant eyes shut with its deep, powerful, melodic voice. Sometimes I tried to sing along with the thunder, roaring at the top of my lungs in time with its heavenly beat. I tried to dance like the lightning, jumping left and right and up and down like the blue-lined streaks that stretched the sky.

The best part about lightning is the fire. It's like a thick rope of concentrated fire, reaching down from Heaven to pull something back up with it. It might hit a tree or a lake or anything else, but once you've seen the beauty of lightning, you can never forget it.

Okay, there's my poetic notion for today. :-) It seems I may be able to make something out of seemingly nothing; or maybe I can simply find what not many people can see. I can look beneath the surface.

Keep on praying!!!

P.S. Pray for a family in my church. They just lost a loved one and they need support and love and prayers to get them through this tough time.

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