Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Broken Printer, And An Inevitable Week Of DC Migranes

Okay, so my printer is broken. and I'm really sad because i have to like, fix it before my report is due. Which is soon. So let's hope i can fix it. Umm....

This Washington DC trip that I'm going to be doing with my school is not gonna be fun. I'm not allowed to bring my mp3player, and I SLEEP with that thing. I CANNOT sleep without it. And i know that most people say that just because they don't want to leave all technology at home when they go away to a camp or a school trip or something, but it's TRUE. I haven't slept without music a day in my life. The one time I lost my mp3player, I did not sleep at all. I tried, for ten hours, but I couldn't. Yeah, and I had a math test the next day which I slept through half of. Whoops. Mr. s was NOT happy with me, but i kinda passed. 78%.... not too good for me, I usually ace them.

But anyway, so I'm not allowed to bring it, except my dad says he's going to get a doctor's not that says I HAVE TO bring it for medical reasons. I LOVE my dad to bits and pieces, and my teachers hate me because I'm a rebel, but whatever!!! I can keep my MUSIC!!!!

One minor drawback...

I have to take all the non-christian music off of my mp3player. I'm SO sad. And it's not like i have disgusting songs with obscene lyrics. I mean, COME ON, I'm a pastor's kid for crying out loud. Almost all of my music is christian anyways, but I have to get rid of my Linkin Park songs, and Three Days Grace, Taking Back Sunday, Nickelback, and Haste The Day. wait, I think they might be christian... Okay, so everything except for Haste The Day. I'm so lucky I have Underoath on there and Anberlin and Relient K and Barlow Girl and Casting Crowns and Third Day and Mercyme and Needtobreathe. If I didn't, I think I would die anyways.

But I mean, it's NOT fair!!! My favorite songs are Three Days Grace and Linkin Park and Nickelback. I think I have like, 30 songs by them on there and they're all my favorites, but I have to get rid of them. It's NOT fair! I have to get the new Anberlin CD and the latest Underoath CD.
Those are NEEDS.

Ugh... *tear tear*

Okay, well, pray for me guys!!!
see y'all later,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fun blog! you will survive:) but i love that you love music as well!! when is this trip? it's coming up soon isn't it?
have a great day kiddo and thanks for sending me this link!
peace, stephanie