Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary Granmaw and Gramps!!!!

Aww, so sweet. Their anniversary was a day after Mothers' Day. My Granmaw and Gramps had a wicked fun time. The whole family came over and we celebrated and ate cake and watched stuff on youtube...

My Granmaw's got brain cancer, but she's fighting it well!!! :) Pray that she keeps fighting it and that it will go away completely. The cancer had originally been in three major places, but the surgery she had cleaned two of those big parts. I don't really get the terminology and all the details and stuff, but she's doing better.

I used to get wicked depressed about it and freak out a lot (which I still do sometimes...), but praying and talking to people about it has really helped me to deal with it.

The only stories I ever hear about cancer is when the person dies or it gets cured and then comes back in some way or another. But what I didn't take from those stories was the fact that they were fighters, and even when it came back, they fought and overcame it. I used to look at it with a "the glass is half empty" kind of thing, like it was just going to get worse, but I don't do that anymore, and I'm a lot less worried about it.

I think part of that has to do with my family and my friends at church. I've talked to my mom about it a bunch of times and she's really reassured me that everything is doing well and that Granmaw's on her way to a full recovery. I talk with my youth leader about it a lot too. Thanks a bunch you guys!!! You've all helped me more than you could know.

Gramps and I have gotten a whole lot closer than we were before. It used to be just a "Hello." as I walked in the house and a "Goodbye." as I left, but I had a really good conversation with him the other day. We talked about camping and he told me about what it was like to be a jewler and how much he loved it. I had a lot of fun and I learned so much from him.

I just want them both to know how unbelieveably special they are to me and that I care about them so much.


Keep praying!!

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