Saturday, June 9, 2007

Quotes From DC

Robyn - Watch me do a magic trick!
Katy - Robyn pulled paper out of her butt!!!!!!

Brianna - It smells like nachos. Oh! It's Katy's nuts!

Nichole - Don't be tired, be wired!

Katy - Mmm...Me gusta knish.

Lia - Look! It's a big house! Wow! It's so pretty!
Katy - That's the White House...

Katy - Ugh. That statue is so ugly!!!
Caleb - I was just about to say it looked like you.
Katy - I'M NOT A DUDE!!!

Katy - Dresses were created by Satan. Haven't you ever heard of that movie "The Devil Wears Prada"?

Robyn - What's ten plus two?
Steph - Twenty. Duh.

Nichole - Katy is in - MY PANTS!!!!
(okay, this one needs explaining. we went in the pool, except Nichole hadn't brought a bathing suit, so she wore her clothes, and they're kind of loose... yeah, so anyways, i had been sitting on the edge of the pool and she had been begging me to go in. so i did and she climbed the ladder to come and jump in next to me. as she's about to jump she yells happily "Katy is in the pool!" except she never got to finish the sentence because her pants started to fall down. so she screams "MY PANTS!!!!" at the top of her lungs. hence, "Katy is in - MY PANTS!!!!")

Okay, back to the quotes:

Nicole - Let's call him... bush!
Katy - Okay...
(looking out the window at the blossoming shrubbery)
Katy - That's a cute looking bush!
Nicole - Whaaat?
Katy - The one with the green...
(Nicole looks over at boy. he's wearing green...)
Katy - And brown...
(brown shoes...)
Katy - And leaves.
(phew. no leaves on this boy.)
Nicole - He's the president??!!

Katy - A-D-D!... It's easy as ONE-TWO-hey look a bird.
Nicole - *laughing hysterically* That was soo fun- *stops laughing and looks out window* A horse!

Katy - O-C-D!... It's easy as -one- -two- -three- (hit's ADD person.) you forgot three!!!! .........crap. now i have to go wash my hands.

And finally!!!!!

Caleb - WHOA!!!!! KATY!!!! Your look like a freaking ogre!!!!!!!! It's like you have no face.
Katy - You wish.
Caleb - (smacks Katy)
Katy - Hey! What was that for?! My face hurts.
Caleb - It's killing me.
Katy - (shoves Caleb down set of stairs)
Katy - Hey guess what?!
Caleb - ow.... What?
Katy - Boys are like slinkies. Completely useless, but fun to watch fall down stairs.
Caleb - bite me...

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